Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What do you Do when love isnt enough?

So you were with this guy for 2 yrs. You both met your freshman yr of college. You thought he was handsome plus he was tall and athletic. Right away he makes you feel comfortable, it must have been his laid back and chill personality. But he definitely had a a sense of humor, jokes were a little corny but they fit him. You love music but never met anyone who loved it as much until you met him. He listened to all varieties and genres but he definitely had a thing for hip-hop! Not Rap like TI, Wayne etc. but old school flow. as you date you realize this guy is different than anybody you've dated before. You guys spend your days, week, and months together. Thats until he tells you at a point that he doesnt want a girlfriend and thinks you guys should take a break! He tells you hes distracted and needs to focus on ball & getting his grades up. You dont really know what a break consist of because youve never been on one. Youre upset cuz you really like him, but hey what can you do? Nothin but wait i guess... and thats exactly what you do! Hes talkin to his ex. over the little break but no biggie cuz youre talkin to yours. A few weeks later he apologizes & wants to get back together and of course you say yes!

So your back to spending days, weeks, & months together. Things are great and for the 1st time he even tells you he loves you and cares about you alot to sum it up. youre like YES, you felt the same way but didnt say anything cuz you wasnt sure if he did. You both know how each other finally feels. As time goes by things are awesome between you two until you realize you made a huge mistake creating him a facebook a few months back! lol Well u have his password and sees he messaged a girl on campus sayin he liked her and wanted to get to know her! Youre pissed & breakup with him. He tries to lie & sweet talk you but you seen it with your own eyes! At this point you begin to do you! We all know that consist of spending more time with the homegirls, alot more going out which means less church, drinking, and talking to other guys. All things you didnt do before... He realizes you dont care when you really do, youre just partying to cover it up.

Did i say he was a sweet talker, Well if not... "HES A SWEET TALKER" lol he does that and you go back but hes actually living up to what he said. Although things are going good, you dont stop partying. You just cant drop the homegirls or you know you'll hear it from them (Chicks b4 Dicks) Of course he doesnt like you partying on wk ends when you should be with him. Nothing changes until he goes back to his hometown in Tennessee for the summer while youre in GA. He pulls the plug for some crappy reason, You cant change his mind. SO your parents sees your heart broken and the moms def. doesnt like him from hear out. So you work and date over the summer but nothing offical cuz you know you & him both have to go back to school! Despite what friends and mom say you know your gonna give him another chance when he comes back, cuz he always does! Thats exactly what you do. You both decide to not do the whole break up every 2 wks & communicate better! Things went great that whole school term besides the him not doing the little things but you didnt sweat it cuz you seen the bigger picture. You QUIT partying and Things were finally lookin up.

HaHa... NOT! You became robocop one day while he was in the shower & found some stuff in his phone. WOW... you couldn't believe he had been cheating the past 3 mths. At that very moment the bigger picture crumbled into pieces, it didnt matter anymore. The whole time you've been convincing yourself he was diffrent but reality is he wasnt, just typical like the rest. You felt like the dumbest and smallest person in the world! He apologizes for wks and you have 50 missed calls a day! Youre over it, and heard it all b4 like Sunshine Anderson! You ask yourself how can someone that says they love you to death do something so low. He says he did it cause he thot you were talkin to other ppl. Great reason Douche bag!! NOT so lets say you give him another chance, youre tired of the presure & phone calls so you give in! Youre back together but not really cuz you dont feel the same what so ever, your like a ghost basically when youre with him, and theres not Trust! Which causes arguments! You were just about over being his girlfriend and said youre leaving! It came to you like an epiphany (chrisette Michele)! Youre still hurt & decide to end things for good. He feels its out the blue but you have your reasons obiviously plus you kinda feel like you lost yourself during those two yrs.

He moves to TENN for good and you change schools. The break up was bitter so you didnt expect to ever hear from him again! well little did you know you were wrong because he hit you up on myspace 6mths later sayin "Whats up? how are you?" basically. You guys communicate pretty heavy from there over the next couple of months. 1st off hes in touch with his spiritual side which is awesome. Hes really considerate and matured, things he wasnt before. But as you talk those feelings you thought were gone come back, especially when he tells you he "still Loves you." Hes coming home for a wkend and wants to see you.

Of course you want to see him its been 9mths since youve seen him. So He comes & you guys reminisce, laugh, hug, & kiss! You feel so at home like it was just yesterday you were in his arms and you were together. He says hes thot about askin to get back together and deep down so do you! You both feel the same & love each other to death so why not? Its not that simple... He in TENN living his life while youre in GA and has 2 yrs of school left. Long distance is hard & youre not sure if either of you are really willing to put in the effort. Plus hes going to the air force, you know you'd be behind him in that but its just another curve ball! Plus who's to say he wont just go back to his old ways, & u cant truelly trust him. You think you want to try but theres a good chance it wont work of you guys being together, the odds are just too difficult i guess! Do you just have an understanding where you look at the situation like it is what is & You move on? So what do you do because love sure doesnt seem to be enough?


  1. wow...this was good.! gosh bru ur little heart put up with him through so much i commend you for that sista.! but look here the thing is, you love him and he loves you..the only thing thats interfering with this whole love connection is distance if you think distance and time won't allow this relationship to build again..then dont go through it..but on the other hand if u think u can take another shot at it..and you both put effort into it then hell do it.! lol but anywho.! i love your blogs and poems.! :)

  2. hey bru i agree wit tt. but also since distance is whats coming between the two of you think about it and decide if thats really what you want to do. if it's meant to be it will be. dont force it, if it dont work make him earn your trust back and build on yall relationship or friendship from there.
