Sunday, July 12, 2009

Too Picky Maybe...

What is a pretty girl like you doing single?....

I probably hear this question everyday! And my old answers to that question would be something that sounds good like.. "I havent found the right guy", "I dont know", "I dont have much luck when it comes to men", "There arent any good guys no more", blah blagh blah....

So i actually thought about it one day why i was really single? And i realized it was definitely by choice. Ive come across guys that were attractive/datable but yet never followed thru because it was something they didnt offer and they became "Just Friends".

By my friends, T've been told that im too picky. But i dont think that im too picky, i know what i like/want in the opposite so why should i have to settle for less. I was raised with morals/values/standards so i think that as a lot to do with it. I am realistic with those standards, im not waiting on a tyrese or trey songz to wipe me off my feet. I know that u have to compromise a little when in a relationship. But then again some things are just not compromisable lol (<----i know thats not a word)

Is it too much to want a guy that is doing something with his life. He doesnt have to be in school because school isnt for everyone. But u must be working a steady job not at home chillen. And being at home with moms is cool because im at home but dont be askin moms for gas money every time u leave home. Be goal oriented not complacent with where you are and want more out of life. U must, i mean MUST have a relationship with God & not saying u gotta be in church every Sunday. Someone that has personality and down to earth and intelligence doesn't hurt lol. I will absolutely NOT compromise with a D-boy. If u in the streets selling drugs or you a wanna be thug do not walk up to me. This is the number one turn off. Some girls like the Plies swag but the only thing i like about him is 1/3 of his music. I could go on about the D-boy but just know its not cool, pull your pants up and take that Tall-T down two sizes like Andre 3000 said! gahh so annoying lol but anyways as far as the physical goes, of course you have to look & dress Decent/Cute.

^^^ those are most of the standards, well at least the most important ones so if that makes me too picky oh well lol ill be single until i find someone that fits the criteria!

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