Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wake up! Smell the coffee...

So i just totally had a rude awaking, well not really rude lol but jus had a few thoughts cleared up for me! Wow, i kinda knew it was gonna happen up here on this surface, but i must say deep down, somewhere in my gut i didnt want it to! Then again i kinda feel relieved! Im so glad its cleared up tho, now thats one less thing to have my mind runnin 100 mph lol. I really feel like i can move on and put it in the past cause that hope, love, & memories is gone! well the hope anyways and maybe a little love. I think some memories will always be there tho! The growth over the past yr is amazing and goin back to the past would only cause a relapse. Thanks for reminding me of that...

"Its called the past cuz im getting past, Im nothin like i was before, you oughta see me now!" -Alicia keys.

The past isnt something i ever want again because i deserve better :) And I know ill get better! Im just expressin my thoughts about this awaking because i definetly smell the coffee! Folgers in my cup hehe....

Ps. Thanks

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