I just felt like saying that! lol but anywho im so sore... gaaahhh i started workin out this week! you know kinda toning up, not trynna get big muscles, just toning up! Everyone that knows me know that i HATE workin out! i get asked alot if i do because i am athletic and ppl can tell! Not manly or anything but when they ask my first answer is "NO I HATE WORKIN OUT" lol. They go, "REALLY". And I go "Yeah, I really dont"! Then they ask "how do u stay in shape?". I say, "I just play ball and run sometimes" lol... Its true...
But i never cared for working out since high school. I always did the minimum lol. Most ppl use to say that i should since i play ball to help me get better. But it didnt really matter or affect my game because its high school and most of my opponents were my size. I was a 1 or 2 guard then and No one really bigger than me. I still played my game, gettin better season after season without working out. From my freshman year to senior year my ppg, stl, and, reb improved. While other teammates dropped off or stayed average while workin out. So I just didnt see a point for the weight room.
Boy how my point of view has changed after my sophmore year on the court lol! College is different... Especially with me being 5'7 135 lbs as a 3 gaurd not much body mass at all. Most ppl that i play against these days are 5'8 -5'9 140-150 and seem like they work out with Arnold Schwarzenegger. And the 3 guard on the team we played was always they're best player. I didnt know Russians could hoop lol I had a pretty good year last yr. But next season will be different. Im so lookin forward to it, so i guess thats why im workin out for real for the first time in about well for the first time hehe.... Im so motivated to next season cuz I can really do some damage on the court along with my teammates.
I want a RING, ive never won a championship, def. came close but never won! thats all im focused on and my reason for actually workin out and on my game this summer. so I know this week of being sore will pay off, it has to! Or im gonna be pretty ticked lol